Rhabdolithus poculi Bona and Kernerne, 1966
Rhabdolith has a circular base and a tall, hollow distal process with dome-like termination. The base of Rhabdosphaera poculii is usually detached; therefore, we often recover the distal process.
The holotypes of Rhabdosphaera poculii and Discosphaera jerkovicii Bona and Kernerne (1966) have a flaring distal process; therefore, they are believed to be a synonym of Discosphaera tubifera (Murray & Blackman 1898) Ostenfeld, 1900. The forms we identify as Rhabdosphaera poculii having dome shape distal process are compatible with the paratype of Rhabdosphaera poculii but not with the holotype of Rhabdosphaera poculii. A new species has to be established for these s forms with dome shape distal process.
Rhabdosphaera poculii differs from Neogene Rhabdosphaera and Discosphaera tubifera by having a distal process with dome-like termination. Discosphaera tubifera has a distal process with distally flaring terminations, whereas Neogene Rhabdosphaera has a parallel-sided or club shape distal process.
Bona, J. & Kernerne, K., (1966): Mikropaleontologiae vizsgalotok a tekeres 1. sz. Foldtani alapfuras Miocen kepzodmenyein. Magyar Allami Foldtani Intezet. - Evi Jelentese. 1964: 113-137
Müller, C., (1974): Nannoplankton aus dem Mittel-Miozän von Walbersdorf (Burgenland). - Senckenbergiana Lethaea. 55: 389-405.
Murray, G. & Blackman, V. H., (1898): On the nature of the Coccospheres and Rhabdospheres. - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences. 190(1): 427-441.
Ostenfeld, C. H., (1900): Über Coccosphaera. - Zoologischer Anzeiger. 23: 198-200.
Rhabdolithus poculi
Bona and Kernerne, 1966
Late Miocene
Mecsekgebirge, Tekeres, Hungary