large specimens with a wide pelaga
large specimens with a wide pelaga
small specimens
small specimen
small specimens
large specimens with a narrow pelaga
small specimens
small specimens
large specimen with a narrow pelaga
large specimen with a medium-wide pelaga
Arkhangelskiella paucipunctata Moshkowitz & Osmond, 1989 [Length: 11.5µm; width of pelaga: 1.5-2.0µm]
Arkhangelskiella cymbiformis rara Vekshina, 1959 [Length: 6.75µm; width of pelaga: 1.5-2.0µm]
Species of Arkhangelskiella having a central area with one to three perforations in each quadrant. Variants of this species based on overall size and the width of the pelaga may prove to be useful for local correlations. The holotype is 11.5µm with a medium-wide pelaga.
Moshkovitz, S. & Osmond, K., (1989): The optical properties and microcrystallography of Arkhangelskiellaceae and some other calcareous nannofossils of the Late Cretaceous. In: Crux, J.A. and Heck, S.E.v. (Editors), Nannofossils and their applications: Proceedings INA Conference. London1987. Ellis Horwood, Chichester, pp. 76-97.
Vekshina, V.N., (1959): Coccolithophoridae of the Maastrichtian deposits of the West Siberian lowlands. - Siberian Science Research Institute of Geology Geophysics Mineralogy and Raw Materials, 2: 56-81.
Arkhangelskiella paucipunctata
Moshkovitz & Osmond, 1989
Late Maastrichtian
DSDP Leg 93, Site 605, Southeast of New Jearsey, North Atlantic Ocean