Set number: 931

  • S cometa1 1
  • S cometa 2 2
Sphenolithus truaxii, Early Miocene, DSDP Leg 25, Site 242, Mozambique Channel (Davie Ridge), Indian Ocean
Final Epithet
Sphenolithus truaxii Bergen & de Kaenel in Bergen et al., 2017

Sphenolithus truaxii Bergen & de Kaenel in Bergen et al. 2017


Bergen, J. A., de Kaenel, E., Blair, S. A., Boesiger, T. M. & Browning, E. 2017. Oligocene-Pliocene taxonomy and stratigraphy of the genus Sphenolithus in the circum North Atlantic Basin: Gulf of Mexico and ODP Leg 154. Journal of Nannoplankton Research 37(2-3): 77-112.