Set number: 1423

  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27914 1
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27917 2
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27918 3
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27921 4
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27915 5
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27916 6
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27919 7
  • Tenebrislaminam detectus 27920 8
Tenebrislaminam detectum, Early Miocene, DSDP Leg 25, Site 242, Mozambique Channel (Davie Ridge), Indian Ocean
Final Epithet
Tenebrislaminam detectum (de Kaenel & Villa, 1996) Varol, n. comb.

Ericsonia detecta de Kaenel & Villa, 1996


Calcidiscus? ellipticus Shamrock & Watkins 2012

Calcidiscus? detectus (de Kaenel & Villa, 1996) Bown & Dunkley Jones, 2012

Umbilicosphaera detecta (de Kaenel & Villa, 1996) Young & Bown, 2014

Umbilicosphaera elliptica (Shamrock & Watkins 2012) Bown & Newsam 2017


Bown, P. R. & Dunkley Jones, T. 2012. Calcareous nannofossils from the Paleogene equatorial Pacific (IODP Expedition 320 Sites U1331-1334). Journal of Nannoplankton Research 32(2): 3-51.

Bown, P. R. & Newsam, C. 2017. Calcareous nannofossils from the Eocene North Atlantic Ocean (IODP Expedition 342 Sites U1403–1411). Journal of Nannoplankton Research 37(1): 25-60.

de Kaenel, E., Villa, G., 1996. Oligocene-Miocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and paleoeecology from the Iberian Abyssal Plain. Proceedings of the Ocean Drilling Program, Scientific Results 149, 79-145.

Shamrock, J. L., Watkins, D. K., 2012. Eocene calcareous nannofossil biostratigraphy and community structure from Exmouth Plateau, Eastern Indian Ocean (ODP Site 762). Stratigraphy 9(1), 1-11

Young, J. R. & Bown, P. R., 2014. Some emendments to calcareous nannoplankton taxonomy. Journal of Nannoplankton Research 33(1), 39-46.