Coccolithus crassipons Bouché, 1962a
Coccolithus peseudocarteri Hay, Mohler & Wade, 1966
Medium to large size (4.0-10.0µm), elliptical species of Coccolithus Schwarz (1894) having a narrow central opening spanned by a permanent diagonal bar.
Coccolithus crassipons, together with Coccolithus pelagicus, exit from low latitude waters in Calabrian [estimated ages of 1.8 Ma in Gabon and 1.49 Ma in Santos Basin, Brazil].
Bouché, P. M. 1962a. Nannofossiles calcaires de Lutétien du Bassin de Paris. Revue de Micropaléontologie 5: 75-103.
Hay, W. W., Mohler, H. P. & Wade, M. E. 1966. Calcareous nannofossils from Nal'chik (northwest Caucasus). Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae 59: 379-399.
Schwarz, E. H. L., 1894. Coccoliths. Annals and Magazine of Natural History 14, 341-346.
Coccolithus crassipons
Bouché, 1962
Middle Eocene
Damery, Paris Basin, France