Set number: 425

  • Hel orientalis1 1
  • Hel orientalis2 2
Helicosphaerella orientalis, Late Miocene, Mauritania, West Africa

Set number: 453

  • H orientalis1 1
Helicosphaerella orientalis, Late Miocene, South China Sea, Malaysia

Set number: 443

  • Helicosphaera orientalis 890 21 1
Helicosphaerella orientalis, Middle Miocene, Antakya, Hatay, Turkey
Final Epithet
Helicosphaerella orientalis (Black in Funnell & Riedel, 1971) Varol, n. comb.

Helicosphaera orientalis Black in Funnell & Riedel, 1971


Small sub-quadrate helicolith having an asymmetrical blanket (Type II, Helicosphaerella recta type), truncated flange termination and a closed central area. The widely separated small, irregular pores on the holotype is attributed to the artefact of adverse preservational effect.


Helicosphaerella orientalis is differentiated from Helicosphaerella philippinensis Müller (1981) Varol, n. comb. by having a closed central area whereas the latter has an inverse bar in the central area.


Black, M. 1971c. The systematics of coccoliths in relation to the paleontological record. In: Funnell, B. M. & Riedel, W. R. (eds), The Micropaleontology of the Oceans. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge pp. 611-624.

Müller, C., 1981. Beschreibung neuer Helicosphaera-Arten aus dem Miozän und Revision biostratigraphischer Reichweiten einiger neogener Nannoplankton-Arten. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 61, 427-435.